Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5

Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5

Table Of Contents:

  1. Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5
  2. Installation af Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5
  3. Parametre for Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5
  4. Buffere af Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5
  5. Vigtigste dele af koden

Den Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5 er baseret på det gennemsnitlige beregning. Du kan vælge mellem 4 typer MA-beregninger: SMA, EMA, SMMA og LMWA. Du kan endda vælge heiken ashi-stearinlys i stedet for de normale lysværdier for at tilpasse indikatoren til dine behov. Når den er konfigureret, kan indikatoren hjælpe dig med at registrere retningen på diagrammet. Og fordi det ikke har nogen øvre / nedre grænseværdier, kan denne indikator også bruges til at opdage regelmæssige afvigelser i slutningen af en tendens til at sætte gang i dine tilbageførselshandler.

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Installation af Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5

Når du har hentet indikatoren via formularen ovenfor, skal du pakke zip-filen ud. Derefter skal du kopiere filen Awesome_oscillator_-_extended.mq5 til mappen MQL5Indicators for din MT5 installation. Efter dette skal du genstarte MT5, så vil du være i stand til at se indikatoren på listen over indikatorer.

Parametre for Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5

Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5 har 14 parametre, der skal konfigureres.

input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame         = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Time frame input enMaTypes       MaMethod1         = ma_sma;    // Fast average method input int             MaPeriod1         = 5;         // Faste average period input enPrices        MaPrice1          = pr_median; // Fast average price input enMaTypes       MaMethod2         = ma_sma;    // Slow average method input int             MaPeriod2         = 34;        // Slow average period input enPrices        MaPrice2          = pr_median; // Slow average price input bool            AlertsOn          = false;     // Turn alerts on? input bool            AlertsOnCurrent   = true;      // Alert on current bar? input bool            AlertsMessage     = true;      // Display messageas on alerts? input bool            AlertsSound       = false;     // Play sound on alerts? input bool            AlertsEmail       = false;     // Send email on alerts? input bool            AlertsNotify      = false;     // Send push notification on alerts? input bool            Interpolate       = true;           // Interpolate in multi time frame mode? 

Buffere af Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5

Awesome Oscillator Extended Indicator For MT5 leverer 7 buffere.

SetIndexBuffer(0,aofu  ,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(1,aofd  ,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(2,histo ,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(3,histoc,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX); SetIndexBuffer(4,ao    ,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(5,aoc   ,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX); SetIndexBuffer(6,count ,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS); 

Vigtigste dele af koden

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,                 const int prev_calculated,                 const datetime& time[],                 const double& open[],                 const double& high[],                 const double& low[],                 const double& close[],                 const long& tick_volume[],                 const long& volume[],                 const int& spread[]) {    if (Bars(_Symbol,_Period) lt rates_total) return(-1);        //       //       //       //       //        if (timeFrame!=_Period)       {          double result[]; datetime currTime[],nextTime[];              if (_mtfHandle==INVALID_HANDLE) _mtfHandle = _mtfCall;             if (_mtfHandle==INVALID_HANDLE)              return(0);             if (CopyBuffer(_mtfHandle,6,0,1,result)==-1) return(0);                         //                 //                 //                 //                 //                                #define _mtfRatio PeriodSeconds(timeFrame)/PeriodSeconds(_Period)                 int i,k,n,limit = MathMin(MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0),MathMax(rates_total-(int)result[0]*_mtfRatio-1,0));                 for (i=limit; i lt rates_total && !_StopFlag; i++ )                 {                   #define _mtfCopy(_buff,_buffNo) if (CopyBuffer(_mtfHandle,_buffNo,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; _buff[i] = result[0]                           _mtfCopy(aofu  ,0);                           _mtfCopy(histo ,2);                           _mtfCopy(histoc,3);                           _mtfCopy(ao    ,4);                           _mtfCopy(aoc   ,5);                                    aofd[i] = 0;                                               //                           //                           //                           //                           //                                               if (!Interpolate) continue;  CopyTime(_Symbol,timeFrame,time[i  ],1,currTime);                                if (i lt (rates_total-1)) { CopyTime(_Symbol,timeFrame,time[i+1],1,nextTime); if (currTime[0]==nextTime[0]) continue; }                               for(n=1; (i-n) gt  0 && time[i-n]  gt = currTime[0]; n++) continue;	                               for(k=1; (i-k) gt =0 && k lt n; k++)                               {                                  #define _mtfInterpolate(_buff) _buff[i-k] = _buff[i]+(_buff[i-n]-_buff[i])*k/n                                  _mtfInterpolate(histo);                                  _mtfInterpolate(ao   );                                  _mtfInterpolate(aofu );                               }                                               }                 return(i);       }     //    //    //    //    //     int i; for (i=(int)MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0); i lt rates_total  && !_StopFlag; i++)    {       ao[i]     = iCustomMa(MaMethod1,getPrice(MaPrice1,open,close,high,low,i,rates_total,0),MaPeriod1,i,rates_total,0)-iCustomMa(MaMethod2,getPrice(MaPrice2,open,close,high,low,i,rates_total,0),MaPeriod2,i,rates_total,1);       aoc[i]    = (ao[i] gt 0) ? 1 : (ao[i] lt 0) ? 2 : (i gt 0) ? aoc[i-1] : 0;        aofu[i]   = ao[i]; aofd[i] = 0;       histo[i]  = ao[i];       histoc[i] = (i gt 0) ? (aoc[i]==1) ? (ao[i] gt ao[i-1]) ? 1 : 2 : (ao[i] lt ao[i-1]) ? 3 : 4 : 0;    }          count[rates_total-1] = MathMax(rates_total-prev_calculated+1,1);    manageAlerts(time,aoc,rates_total);    return(i); }  //------------------------------------------------------------------ //                                                                   //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // // //  #define _maInstances 2 #define _maWorkBufferx1 1*_maInstances double iCustomMa(int mode, double price, double length, int r, int bars, int instanceNo=0) {    switch (mode)    {       case ma_sma   : return(iSma(price,(int)length,r,bars,instanceNo));       case ma_ema   : return(iEma(price,length,r,bars,instanceNo));       case ma_smma  : return(iSmma(price,(int)length,r,bars,instanceNo));       case ma_lwma  : return(iLwma(price,(int)length,r,bars,instanceNo));       default       : return(price);    } }  // // // // //  double workSma[][_maWorkBufferx1]; double iSma(double price, int period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0) {    if (ArrayRange(workSma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workSma,_bars); int k=1;     workSma[r][instanceNo+0] = price;    double avg = price; for(; k lt period && (r-k) gt =0; k++) avg += workSma[r-k][instanceNo+0];  avg /= (double)k;    return(avg); }  // // // // //  double workEma[][_maWorkBufferx1]; double iEma(double price, double period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0) {    if (ArrayRange(workEma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workEma,_bars);     workEma[r][instanceNo] = price;    if (r gt 0 && period gt 1)           workEma[r][instanceNo] = workEma[r-1][instanceNo]+(2.0/(1.0+period))*(price-workEma[r-1][instanceNo]);    return(workEma[r][instanceNo]); }  // // // // //  double workSmma[][_maWorkBufferx1]; double iSmma(double price, double period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0) {    if (ArrayRange(workSmma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workSmma,_bars);     workSmma[r][instanceNo] = price;    if (r gt 1 && period gt 1)           workSmma[r][instanceNo] = workSmma[r-1][instanceNo]+(price-workSmma[r-1][instanceNo])/period;    return(workSmma[r][instanceNo]); }  // // // // //  double workLwma[][_maWorkBufferx1]; double iLwma(double price, double period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0) {    if (ArrayRange(workLwma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workLwma,_bars);        workLwma[r][instanceNo] = price; if (period lt 1) return(price);       double sumw = period;       double sum  = period*price;        for(int k=1; k lt period && (r-k) gt =0; k++)       {          double weight = period-k;                 sumw  += weight;                 sum   += weight*workLwma[r-k][instanceNo];         }                    return(sum/sumw); }  //------------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // // //  void manageAlerts(const datetime& time[], double& trend[], int bars) {    if (!AlertsOn) return;       int whichBar = bars-1; if (!AlertsOnCurrent) whichBar = bars-2; datetime time1 = time[whichBar];       if (trend[whichBar] != trend[whichBar-1])       {          if (trend[whichBar] == 1) doAlert(time1,"up");          if (trend[whichBar] == 2) doAlert(time1,"down");       }          }     // // // // //  void doAlert(datetime forTime, string doWhat) {    static string   previousAlert="nothing";    static datetime previousTime;    string message;        if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != forTime)     {       previousAlert  = doWhat;       previousTime   = forTime;        //       //       //       //       //        message = timeFrameToString(_Period)+" "+_Symbol+" at "+TimeToString(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS)+" AO state changed to "+doWhat;          if (AlertsMessage) Alert(message);          if (AlertsEmail)   SendMail(_Symbol+" awesome oscillator",message);          if (AlertsNotify)  SendNotification(message);          if (AlertsSound)   PlaySound("alert2.wav");    } }  //------------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------------ // // // // // //  #define _pricesInstances 2 #define _pricesSize      4 double workHa[][_pricesInstances*_pricesSize]; double getPrice(int tprice, const double& open[], const double& close[], const double& high[], const double& low[], int i,int _bars, int instanceNo=0) {   if (tprice gt =pr_haclose)    {       if (ArrayRange(workHa,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workHa,_bars); instanceNo*=_pricesSize;                    //          //          //          //          //                    double haOpen;          if (i gt 0)                 haOpen  = (workHa[i-1][instanceNo+2] + workHa[i-1][instanceNo+3])/2.0;          else   haOpen  = (open[i]+close[i])/2;          double haClose = (open[i] + high[i] + low[i] + close[i]) / 4.0;          double haHigh  = MathMax(high[i], MathMax(haOpen,haClose));          double haLow   = MathMin(low[i] , MathMin(haOpen,haClose));           if(haOpen   lt haClose) { workHa[i][instanceNo+0] = haLow;  workHa[i][instanceNo+1] = haHigh; }           else                 { workHa[i][instanceNo+0] = haHigh; workHa[i][instanceNo+1] = haLow;  }                                  workHa[i][instanceNo+2] = haOpen;                                 workHa[i][instanceNo+3] = haClose;          //          //          //          //          //                    switch (tprice)          {             case pr_haclose:     return(haClose);             case pr_haopen:      return(haOpen);             case pr_hahigh:      return(haHigh);             case pr_halow:       return(haLow);             case pr_hamedian:    return((haHigh+haLow)/2.0);             case pr_hamedianb:   return((haOpen+haClose)/2.0);             case pr_hatypical:   return((haHigh+haLow+haClose)/3.0);             case pr_haweighted:  return((haHigh+haLow+haClose+haClose)/4.0);             case pr_haaverage:   return((haHigh+haLow+haClose+haOpen)/4.0);             case pr_hatbiased:                if (haClose gt haOpen)                      return((haHigh+haClose)/2.0);                else  return((haLow+haClose)/2.0);                     case pr_hatbiased2:                if (haClose gt haOpen)  return(haHigh);                if (haClose lt haOpen)  return(haLow);                                     return(haClose);                  }    }        //    //    //    //    // 


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