Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5

Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5

Table Of Contents:

  1. Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5
  2. Installing the Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5
  3. Parameters of the Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5
  4. Buffers of the Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5
  5. Main Parts Of The Code

The Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5 draws the zigzag on the chart and calculates the fibonacci retracement levels between two subsequent zigzag extreme points. The zigzag can be used for defining the direction of the trend. The fibonacci retracement levels can be used to enter during a pullback. You can configure the indicator with the parameters ExtDepth, ExtDeviation and InpBackstep.

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Installing the Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5

After you downloaded the indicator via the form above you need to unzip the zip-file. Then you need to copy the file ZigZag.mq5 into the folder MQL5\Indicators of your MT5 installation. After that please restart MT5 and then you will be able to see the indicator in the list of indicators.

Parameters of the Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5

The Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5 has 3 parameters to configure.

input int ExtDepth=12; input int ExtDeviation = 5; input int ExtBackstep  = 3; 

Buffers of the Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5

The Fibo ZigZag Indicator For MT5 provides 9 buffers.

SetIndexBuffer(0,ZigzagBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(1,SignalLongBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(2,SignalShortBuffer,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(3,Level236,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(4,Level382,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(5,Level500,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(6,Level618,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(7,HighMapBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS); SetIndexBuffer(8,LowMapBuffer,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS); 

Main Parts Of The Code

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,                 const int prev_calculated,                 const datetime &time[],                 const double &open[],                 const double &high[],                 const double &low[],                 const double &close[],                 const long &tick_volume[],                 const long &volume[],                 const int &spread[])    {    int i=0;    int limit = 0, counterZ = 0, whatlookfor = 0;    int shift = 0, back = 0, lasthighpos = 0, lastlowpos = 0;    double val= 0,res = 0;    double curlow=0,curhigh=0,lasthigh=0,lastlow=0;    static double lastSignalHigh,lastSignalLow;  //--- auxiliary enumeration    enum looling_for       {       Pike = 1,  // searching for next high       Sill = -1  // searching for next low      };  //--- initializing    if(prev_calculated==0)       {       ArrayInitialize(ZigzagBuffer,0.0);       ArrayInitialize(SignalLongBuffer,0.0);       ArrayInitialize(SignalShortBuffer,0.0);       ArrayInitialize(Level236, 0.0);       ArrayInitialize(Level382, 0.0);       ArrayInitialize(Level500, 0.0);       ArrayInitialize(Level618, 0.0);       ArrayInitialize(HighMapBuffer,0.0);       ArrayInitialize(LowMapBuffer, 0.0);      }  //---     if(rates_total  lt  100) return(0); //--- set start position for calculations    if(prev_calculated==0) limit=ExtDepth;  //--- ZigZag was already counted before    if(prev_calculated gt 0)       {       i=rates_total-1;        //--- searching third extremum from the last uncompleted bar       while(counterZ lt level && i gt rates_total-100)          {          res=ZigzagBuffer[i];          if(res!=0) counterZ++;          i--;         }        i++;       limit=i;        //--- what type of exremum we are going to find       if(LowMapBuffer[i]!=0)          {          curlow=LowMapBuffer[i];          whatlookfor=Pike;            } else {          curhigh=HighMapBuffer[i];          whatlookfor=Sill;         }        //--- chipping       for(i=limit+1; i lt rates_total && !IsStopped(); i++)          {          ZigzagBuffer[i] = 0.0;          LowMapBuffer[i] = 0.0;          HighMapBuffer[i]= 0.0;         }      }  //--- searching High and Low    for(shift=limit; shift lt rates_total && !IsStopped(); shift++)       {       val=low[iLowest(low,ExtDepth,shift)];       if(val==lastlow) val=0.0;       else          {          lastlow=val;           if((low[shift]-val) gt deviation) val=0.0;          else             {             for(back=1; back lt =ExtBackstep; back++)                {                res=LowMapBuffer[shift-back];                if((res!=0) && (res gt val)) LowMapBuffer[shift-back]=0.0;               }            }         }        if(low[shift]==val) LowMapBuffer[shift]=val; else LowMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;        //--- high       val=high[iHighest(high,ExtDepth,shift)];       if(val==lasthigh) val=0.0;        else          {          lasthigh=val;          if((val-high[shift]) gt deviation) val=0.0;          else             {             for(back=1; back lt =ExtBackstep; back++)                {                res=HighMapBuffer[shift-back];                if((res!=0) && (res lt val)) HighMapBuffer[shift-back]=0.0;               }            }         }        if(high[shift]==val) HighMapBuffer[shift]=val; else HighMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;      }  //--- last preparation    if(whatlookfor==0)       { // uncertain quantity       lastlow=0;       lasthigh=0;         } else {       lastlow=curlow;       lasthigh=curhigh;      }  //--- final rejection    for(shift=limit;shift lt rates_total && !IsStopped(); shift++)       {       res=0.0;       switch(whatlookfor)          {          case 0: // search for peak or lawn             if(lastlow==0 && lasthigh==0)                {                 if(HighMapBuffer[shift]!=0)                   {                   lasthigh=high[shift];                   lasthighpos = shift;                   whatlookfor = Sill;                   ZigzagBuffer[shift]=lasthigh;                   res=1;                  }                 if(LowMapBuffer[shift]!=0)                   {                   lastlow=low[shift];                   lastlowpos=shift;                   whatlookfor=Pike;                   ZigzagBuffer[shift]=lastlow;                   res=1;                  }               }             break;           case Pike: // search for peak              if(LowMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && LowMapBuffer[shift] lt lastlow && HighMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)                {                ZigzagBuffer[lastlowpos]=0.0;                lastlowpos=shift;                lastlow=LowMapBuffer[shift];                ZigzagBuffer[shift]=lastlow;                res=1;               }              if(HighMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && LowMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)                {                lasthigh=HighMapBuffer[shift];                lasthighpos=shift;                ZigzagBuffer[shift]=lasthigh;                whatlookfor=Sill;                res=1;                 //--- Fibo levels build low                if(lastlow!=lastSignalLow)                   {                   if(lasthigh)                      {                      Level236[shift] = lastlow - getFiboLevel(lastSignalHigh, lastlow, 0.236);                      Level382[shift] = lastlow - getFiboLevel(lastSignalHigh, lastlow, 0.382);                      Level500[shift] = lastlow - getFiboLevel(lastSignalHigh, lastlow, 0.500);                      Level618[shift] = lastlow - getFiboLevel(lastSignalHigh, lastlow, 0.618);                     }                   lastSignalLow=SignalShortBuffer[shift]=lastlow;                  }               }             break;           case Sill: // search for lawn             if(HighMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && HighMapBuffer[shift] gt lasthigh && LowMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)                {                ZigzagBuffer[lasthighpos]=0.0;                lasthighpos=shift;                lasthigh=HighMapBuffer[shift];                ZigzagBuffer[shift]=lasthigh;               }              if(LowMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && HighMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)                {                 lastlow=LowMapBuffer[shift];                lastlowpos=shift;                ZigzagBuffer[shift]=lastlow;                whatlookfor=Pike;                 //--- Fibo levels build high                if(lastlow && lasthigh!=lastSignalHigh)                   {                   if(lastlow)                      {                      Level236[shift] = lasthigh + getFiboLevel(lasthigh, lastSignalLow, 0.236);                      Level382[shift] = lasthigh + getFiboLevel(lasthigh, lastSignalLow, 0.382);                      Level500[shift] = lasthigh + getFiboLevel(lasthigh, lastSignalLow, 0.500);                      Level618[shift] = lasthigh + getFiboLevel(lasthigh, lastSignalLow, 0.618);                     }                    lastSignalHigh=SignalLongBuffer[shift]=lasthigh;                  }               }              break;           default: return(rates_total);         }      }  //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call    return(rates_total);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate fibo-levels                                            | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double getFiboLevel(double high,double low,double fibo)    {    double range=(high-low)*fibo;    return NormalizeDouble(range, Digits());    } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 


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