Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5

Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5

Table Of Contents:

  1. Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5
  2. Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5インストール
  3. Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5パラメーター
  4. Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5
  5. コードの主要部分

Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5は、最近の価格パターンから計算される予想される将来の価格変動を引き出します。最近の価格パターンは、このインディケーターに名前を与えたいわゆる最近傍と呼ばれています。価格パターンは、加重投票の計算に使用されます。その結果から、将来の価格変動がチャートに描かれます。

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Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5インストール


Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5パラメーター

Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5は、構成する2 パラメーターがあります。

input int    Npast   =300; // Past bars in a pattern input int    Nfut    =50;  // Future bars in a pattern (must be < Npast) 

Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5

Price Prediction By Nearest Neighbor Indicator For MT5は、 2 バッファーを提供します。

SetIndexBuffer(0,ynn,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(1,xnn,INDICATOR_DATA); 


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,                 const int prev_calculated,                 const datetime &Time[],                 const double &Open[],                 const double &High[],                 const double &Low[],                 const double &Close[],                 const long &tick_volume[],                 const long &volume[],                 const int &spread[])   { //--- check for insufficient data and new bar    int bars=rates_total;    if(bars lt Npast+Nfut)      {       Print("Error: not enough bars in history!");       return(0);      }    if(PrevBars==bars) return(rates_total);    PrevBars=bars;  //--- initialize indicator buffers to EMPTY_VALUE    ArrayInitialize(xnn,EMPTY_VALUE);    ArrayInitialize(ynn,EMPTY_VALUE);  //--- main cycle //--- compute correlation sums for current pattern //--- current pattern starts at i=bars-Npast and ends at i=bars-1    double my=0.0;    double syy=0.0;    for(int i=0;i lt Npast;i++)      {       double y=Open[bars-Npast+i];       my +=y;       syy+=y*y;      }    double deny=syy*Npast-my*my;    if(deny lt =0)      {       Print("Zero or negative syy*Npast-my*my = ",deny);       return(0);      }    deny=MathSqrt(deny);  //--- compute correlation sums for past patterns //--- past patterns start at k=0 and end at k=bars-Npast-Nfut    ArrayResize(mx,bars-Npast-Nfut+1);    ArrayResize(sxx,bars-Npast-Nfut+1);    ArrayResize(denx,bars-Npast-Nfut+1);        int kstart;    if(FirstTime) kstart=0;    else kstart=bars-Npast-Nfut;    FirstTime=false;    for(int k=kstart;k lt =bars-Npast-Nfut;k++)      {       if(k==0)         {          mx[0] =0.0;          sxx[0]=0.0;          for(int i=0;i lt Npast;i++)            {             double x=Open[i];             mx[0] +=x;             sxx[0]+=x*x;            }         }       else         {          double xnew=Open[k+Npast-1];          double xold=Open[k-1];          mx[k] =mx[k-1]+xnew-xold;          sxx[k]=sxx[k-1]+xnew*xnew-xold*xold;         }       denx[k]=sxx[k]*Npast-mx[k]*mx[k];      }  //--- compute cross-correlation sums and correlation coefficients and find NN    double sxy[];    ArrayResize(sxy,bars-Npast-Nfut+1);    double b,corrMax=0;    int knn=0;    for(int k=0;k lt =bars-Npast-Nfut;k++)      {       //--- Compute sxy       sxy[k]=0.0;       for(int i=0;i lt Npast;i++) sxy[k]+=Open[k+i]*Open[bars-Npast+i];        //--- Compute corr coefficient       if(denx[k] lt =0)         {          Print("Zero or negative sxx[k]*Npast-mx[k]*mx[k]. Skipping pattern # ",k);          continue;         }       double num=sxy[k]*Npast-mx[k]*my;       double corr=num/MathSqrt(denx[k])/deny;       if(corr gt corrMax)         {          corrMax=corr;          knn=k;          b=num/denx[k];         }      }    Print("Nearest neighbor is dated ",Time[knn]," and has correlation with current pattern of ",corrMax);  //--- Compute xm[] and ym[] by scaling the nearest neighbor    double delta=Open[bars-1]-b*Open[knn+Npast-1];    for(int i=0;i lt Npast+Nfut;i++)      {       if(i lt =Npast-1) xnn[bars-Npast+i]=b*Open[knn+i]+delta;       if(i gt =Npast-1) ynn[bars-Npast-Nfut+i]=b*Open[knn+i]+delta;      }     return(rates_total);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 


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