Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5

Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5

Table Of Contents:

  1. Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5
  2. Instalace Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5
  3. Parametry Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5
  4. Vyrovnávací Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5
  5. Hlavní části Kodexu

Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5 dělá skvělou práci při detekci vzoru svícnů pinbar. Pinbars se používají k obchodování s obrácením trendů nebo s pokračováním trendů (po ukončení zpětného tahu). Indikátor spatří formaci levého oka, nosu a pravého oka.

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Instalace Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5

Po stažení indikátoru pomocí výše uvedeného formuláře je třeba rozbalit zip soubor. Pak musíte zkopírovat soubor pinbardetector.mq5 do složky MQL5Indicators vaší instalace MT5 . Poté prosím restartujte MT5 a poté uvidíte indikátor v seznamu indikátorů.

Parametry Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5

Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5 obsahuje parametry 12 lze nakonfigurovat.

input bool   UseAlerts=true; // Permission to alerts input bool   UseEmailAlerts=false; // Permission to email alerts input double MaxNoseBodySize = 0.33; // maximum allowable ratio of Nose body to the bar length input double NoseBodyPosition = 0.4; // extreme position of the Nose body inside the bar. Upper part for the bullish pattern, lower part to the bearish pattern input bool   LeftEyeOppositeDirection=true; // Left eye should be bearish for the bullish Pin Bar and should be bullish for the bearish Pin Bar input bool   NoseSameDirection=false; // the Nose should be in the same direction as the pattern itself input bool   NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody=false; // the Nose body should be fit in the Left Eye body input double LeftEyeMinBodySize=0.1; // minimum size of the Left Eye body relatively to the bar length input double NoseProtruding=0.5; // minimum Nose protrusion relatively to the bar length input double NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody=1; // maximum size of the Nose body relatively to the Left Eye body input double NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength=0; // minimum Nose size relatively to the Left Eye input double LeftEyeDepth=0.1; //  minimum depth of the Left Eye relatively to its length. Depth is the length of the bar part behind the Nose 

Vyrovnávací Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5

Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5 2 Pinbar Detector Indicator For MT5 poskytuje vyrovnávací paměti 2 .

SetIndexBuffer(0,UpDown,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(1,Color,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX); 

Hlavní části Kodexu

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,                 const int prev_calculated,                 const datetime &time[],                 const double &Open[],                 const double &High[],                 const double &Low[],                 const double &Close[],                 const long &tickvolume[],                 const long &volume[],                 const int &spread[])   { //----    int NeedBarsCounted;    double NoseLength,NoseBody,LeftEyeBody,LeftEyeLength; //----    ArraySetAsSeries(Open,true);    ArraySetAsSeries(High,true);    ArraySetAsSeries(Low,true);    ArraySetAsSeries(Close,true); //----    if(LastBars==rates_total) return(rates_total);    NeedBarsCounted=rates_total-LastBars;    LastBars=rates_total;    if(NeedBarsCounted==rates_total) NeedBarsCounted--; //----    UpDown[0]=EMPTY_VALUE; //----    for(int bar=NeedBarsCounted; bar gt =1; bar--)      {       //---- Prevents bogus indicator arrows from appearing (looks like PlotIndexSetDouble(0, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, EMPTY_VALUE); is not enough.)       UpDown[bar]=EMPTY_VALUE;        //---- Won t have Left Eye for the left-most bar       if(bar==rates_total-1) continue;        // Left Eye and Nose bars s paramaters       NoseLength=High[bar]-Low[bar];       if(!NoseLength) NoseLength = _Point;       LeftEyeLength = High[bar + 1] - Low[bar + 1];       if(!LeftEyeLength) LeftEyeLength=_Point;       NoseBody=MathAbs(Open[bar]-Close[bar]);       if(!NoseBody) NoseBody = _Point;       LeftEyeBody = MathAbs(Open[bar + 1] - Close[bar + 1]);       if(!LeftEyeBody) LeftEyeBody=_Point;        //---- Bearish Pinbar       if(High[bar]-High[bar+1] gt =NoseLength*NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion         {          if(NoseBody/NoseLength lt =MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio            {             if(1 -(High[bar]-MathMax(Open[bar],Close[bar]))/NoseLength lt NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in bottom part of the bar               {                if(!LeftEyeOppositeDirection || Close[bar+1] gt Open[bar+1]) // Left Eye bullish if required                  {                   if(!NoseSameDirection || Close[bar] lt Open[bar]) // Nose bearish if required                     {                      if(LeftEyeBody/LeftEyeLength gt =LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio                        {                         if(MathMax(Open[bar],Close[bar] lt =High[bar+1]) && MathMin(Open[bar],Close[bar]) gt =Low[bar+1]) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar                           {                            if(NoseBody/LeftEyeBody lt =NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio                              {                               if(NoseLength/LeftEyeLength gt =NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio                                 {                                  if(Low[bar]-Low[bar+1] gt =LeftEyeLength*LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye low is low enough                                    {                                     if(!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody || MathMax(Open[bar],Close[bar]) lt =MathMax(Open[bar+1],Close[bar+1]) && MathMin(Open[bar],Close[bar]) gt =MathMin(Open[bar+1],Close[bar+1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required                                       {                                        UpDown[bar]= High[bar]+5 * _Point+NoseLength/5;                                        Color[bar] = 1;                                        if(bar==1) SendAlert("Bearish"); // Send alerts only for the latest fully formed bar                                       }                                    }                                 }                              }                           }                        }                     }                  }               }            }         }        //---- Bullish Pinbar       if(Low[bar+1]-Low[bar] gt =NoseLength*NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion         {          if(NoseBody/NoseLength lt =MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio            {             if(1 -(MathMin(Open[bar],Close[bar])-Low[bar])/NoseLength lt NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in top part of the bar               {                if(!LeftEyeOppositeDirection || Close[bar+1] lt Open[bar+1]) // Left Eye bearish if required                  {                   if(!NoseSameDirection || Close[bar] gt Open[bar]) // Nose bullish if required                     {                      if(LeftEyeBody/LeftEyeLength gt =LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio                        {                         if(MathMax(Open[bar],Close[bar] lt =High[bar+1]) && (MathMin(Open[bar],Close[bar]) gt =Low[bar+1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar                           {                            if(NoseBody/LeftEyeBody lt =NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio                              {                               if(NoseLength/LeftEyeLength gt =NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio                                 {                                  if(High[bar+1]-High[bar] gt =LeftEyeLength*LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye high is high enough                                    {                                     if(!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody || MathMax(Open[bar],Close[bar]) lt =MathMax(Open[bar+1],Close[bar+1]) && MathMin(Open[bar],Close[bar]) gt =MathMin(Open[bar+1],Close[bar+1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required                                       {                                        UpDown[bar]= Low[bar]-5 * _Point-NoseLength/5;                                        Color[bar] = 0;                                        if(bar==1) SendAlert("Bullish"); // Send alerts only for the latest fully formed bar                                       }                                    }                                 }                              }                           }                        }                     }                  }               }            }         }      } //----    return(rates_total);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|  Getting string timeframe                                        | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string TimeframeToString(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe) {return(StringSubstr(EnumToString(timeframe),7,-1));} //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void SendAlert(string dir)   { //----    string per=TimeframeToString(_Period);    if(UseAlerts)      {       Alert(dir+" Pinbar on ",_Symbol," @ ",per);       PlaySound("alert.wav");      }    if(UseEmailAlerts)       SendMail(_Symbol+" @ "+per+" - "+dir+" Pinbar",dir+" Pinbar on "+_Symbol+" @ "+per+" as of "+TimeToString(TimeCurrent())); //----   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 


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