Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5

Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5

Table Of Contents:

  1. Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5
  2. Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5インストール
  3. Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5パラメーター
  4. Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5
  5. コードの主要部分

Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5は、チャートに4本の水平線(2本の赤線と2本の緑線)を描画します。 1本の赤い線が上に描かれ、1本の赤い線が実際のキャンドルから設定可能な距離でキャンドルの下に描かれます。

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Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5インストール

上記のフォームからインジケーターをダウンロードした後、zipファイルを解凍する必要があります。次に、ファイルFour horizontal lines.mq5MT5インストールのMQL5Indicatorsフォルダーにコピーする必要があります。その後、MT5を再起動してください。そうすると、インジケーターのリストにインジケーターが表示されます。

Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5パラメーター

Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5は、構成する10 パラメーターがあります。

input color             InpColorHighLow      = clrRed;            // HighLow: Line color input color             InpColorDifference   = clrLimeGreen;      // Difference: Line color input ENUM_LINE_STYLE   InpStyle             = STYLE_SOLID;       // Line style input int               InpWidth             = 2;                 // Line width input bool              InpBack              = false;             // Background line input bool              InpSelection         = false;             // Highlight to move input bool              InpHidden            = true;              // Hidden in the object list input long              InpZOrder            = 0;                 // Priority for mouse click input int               InpBarNumber         = 1;                 // Bar number input int               InpShiftHighLowUP    = 20;                // Shift 

Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5

Four horizontal lines Indicator For MT5は、 0 バッファーを提供します。


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,                 const int prev_calculated,                 const datetime &time[],                 const double &open[],                 const double &high[],                 const double &low[],                 const double &close[],                 const long &tick_volume[],                 const long &volume[],                 const int &spread[])   { //---    if(prev_calculated==0 || rates_total!=prev_calculated)      {       //--- Move horizontal line       double high_1=high[rates_total-1-InpBarNumber];       double low_1=low[rates_total-1-InpBarNumber];        HLineMove(0,ExtNameHighLowUP,high_1+ExtInpShiftHighLowUP);       HLineMove(0,ExtNameHighLowDOWN,low_1-ExtInpShiftHighLowUP);        HLineMove(0,ExtNameDifferenceUP,high_1+(high_1-low_1)-ExtInpShiftHighLowUP/2.0);       HLineMove(0,ExtNameDifferenceDOWN,low_1-(high_1-low_1)+ExtInpShiftHighLowUP/2.0);      } //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call    return(rates_total);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+  //| Create the horizontal line                                       |  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+  bool HLineCreate(const long            chart_ID=0,        // chart s ID                   const string          name="HLine",      // line name                   const int             sub_window=0,      // subwindow index                   double                price=0,           // line price                   const color           clr=clrRed,        // line color                   const ENUM_LINE_STYLE style=STYLE_SOLID, // line style                   const int             width=1,           // line width                   const bool            back=false,        // in the background                   const bool            selection=true,    // highlight to move                   const bool            hidden=true,       // hidden in the object list                   const long            z_order=0)         // priority for mouse click    { //--- if the price is not set, set it at the current Bid price level     if(!price)       price=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_BID); //--- reset the error value     ResetLastError(); //--- create a horizontal line     if(!ObjectCreate(chart_ID,name,OBJ_HLINE,sub_window,0,price))      {       Print(__FUNCTION__,             ": failed to create a horizontal line! Error code = ",GetLastError());       return(false);      } //--- set line color     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_COLOR,clr); //--- set line display style     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_STYLE,style); //--- set line width     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH,width); //--- display in the foreground (false) or background (true)     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_BACK,back); //--- enable (true) or disable (false) the mode of moving the line by mouse  //--- when creating a graphical object using ObjectCreate function, the object cannot be  //--- highlighted and moved by default. Inside this method, selection parameter  //--- is true by default making it possible to highlight and move the object     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE,selection);    ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_SELECTED,selection); //--- hide (true) or display (false) graphical object name in the object list     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_HIDDEN,hidden); //--- set the priority for receiving the event of a mouse click in the chart     ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_ZORDER,z_order); //--- successful execution     return(true);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+  //| Move horizontal line                                             |  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+  bool HLineMove(const long   chart_ID=0,   // chart s ID                 const string name="HLine", // line name                 double       price=0)      // line price    { //--- if the line price is not set, move it to the current Bid price level     if(!price)       price=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_BID); //--- reset the error value     ResetLastError(); //--- move a horizontal line     if(!ObjectMove(chart_ID,name,0,0,price))      {       Print(__FUNCTION__,             ": failed to move the horizontal line! Error code = ",GetLastError());       return(false);      } //--- successful execution     return(true);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+  //| Delete a horizontal line                                         |  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+  bool HLineDelete(const long   chart_ID=0,   // chart s ID                   const string name="HLine") // line name    { //--- reset the error value     ResetLastError(); //--- delete a horizontal line     if(!ObjectDelete(chart_ID,name))      {       Print(__FUNCTION__,             ": failed to delete a horizontal line! Error code = ",GetLastError());       return(false);      } //--- successful execution     return(true);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 


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