Breakout Indicator For MT5

Breakout Indicator For MT5

Table Of Contents:

  1. Breakout Indicator For MT5
  2. Instalowanie Breakout Indicator For MT5
  3. Parametry Breakout Indicator For MT5
  4. Bufory słowa Breakout Indicator For MT5
  5. Główne części Kodeksu

Breakout Indicator For MT5 jest wskaźnikiem, który rysuje wysokie i niskie poziomy na wykresie, które można wykorzystać do wykrycia przebicia. Możesz zdefiniować czas rozpoczęcia i zakończenia strefy, na podstawie której wskaźnik oblicza górną i dolną wartość. Wskaźnik rysuje następnie 2 ciągłe i 2 kropkowane linie na wykresie dla każdej strefy, która odpowiada skonfigurowanym czasom. Ze względu na parametry konfiguracyjne, które zawierają godziny i minuty, wskaźnik ten jest wykorzystywany głównie w handlu śróddziennym.

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Instalowanie Breakout Indicator For MT5

Po pobraniu wskaźnika za pomocą powyższego formularza musisz rozpakować plik zip. Następnie musisz skopiować plik Breakout.mq5 do folderu MQL5Indicators instalacji MT5 . Następnie uruchom ponownie MT5, a wtedy będziesz mógł zobaczyć wskaźnik na liście wskaźników.

Parametry Breakout Indicator For MT5

Breakout Indicator For MT5 6 Breakout Indicator For MT5 ma parametry 6 do skonfigurowania.

input uint     InpHourBegin   =  0;    // "Period" Hour begin input uint     InpMinBegin    =  0;    // "Period" Minutes begin input uint     InpHourEnd     =  5;    // "Period" Hour end input uint     InpMinEnd      =  0;    // "Period" Minutes end input uint     InpHourEndArea =  23;   // "Area" Hour end input uint     InpMinEndArea  =  0;    // "Area" Minutes end 

Bufory słowa Breakout Indicator For MT5

Breakout Indicator For MT5 zapewnia bufory 4 .

SetIndexBuffer(0,BufferUpperPeriod,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(1,BufferLowerPeriod,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(2,BufferUpperArea,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexBuffer(3,BufferLowerArea,INDICATOR_DATA); 

Główne części Kodeksu

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,                 const int prev_calculated,                 const datetime &time[],                 const double &open[],                 const double &high[],                 const double &low[],                 const double &close[],                 const long &tick_volume[],                 const long &volume[],                 const int &spread[])   { //--- @ gt 25@:0 =0  lt 8=8 lt 0;L= gt 5 : gt ;85AB2 gt  10@ gt 2 4;O @0AGQB0    if(rates_total lt 4) return 0; //--- #AB0= gt 2:0  lt 0AA82 gt 2 1CD5@ gt 2 :0: B09 lt A5@89    ArraySetAsSeries(high,true);    ArraySetAsSeries(low,true);    ArraySetAsSeries(time,true); //--- @ gt 25@:0 8 @0AGQB : gt ;8G5AB20 ?@ gt AG8BK205 lt KE 10@ gt 2    int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;    if(limit gt 1)      {       limit=rates_total-1;       ArrayInitialize(BufferUpperPeriod,EMPTY_VALUE);       ArrayInitialize(BufferLowerPeriod,EMPTY_VALUE);       ArrayInitialize(BufferUpperArea,EMPTY_VALUE);       ArrayInitialize(BufferLowerArea,EMPTY_VALUE);      } //---  gt 43 gt B gt 2:0 40==KE    int begin_bar,end_bar;    double min_price,max_price; //---  0AGQB 8=48:0B gt @0    for(int i=limit; i gt =0 && !IsStopped(); i--)      {       int cur_min=TimeHour(time[i])*60+TimeMinute(time[i]);       if((period_end_min gt period_begin_min && cur_min gt =period_begin_min && cur_min lt =period_end_min) ||           (period_end_min lt period_begin_min && (cur_min gt =period_begin_min || cur_min lt =period_end_min)))         {          begin_bar=FindBar(InpHourBegin,InpMinBegin,time[i]);          if(begin_bar==WRONG_VALUE) continue;          int hb=Highest(begin_bar-i+1,i);          int lb=Lowest(begin_bar-i+1,i);          if(hb==WRONG_VALUE || lb==WRONG_VALUE) continue;          max_price=high[hb];          min_price=low[lb];          for(int j=begin_bar; j gt =i; j--)            {             BufferUpperPeriod[j]=max_price;             BufferLowerPeriod[j]=min_price;            }         }       else         {          BufferUpperPeriod[i]=EMPTY_VALUE;          BufferLowerPeriod[i]=EMPTY_VALUE;         }       if((box_end_mn gt period_end_min && cur_min gt =period_end_min && cur_min lt =box_end_mn) ||           (box_end_mn lt period_end_min && (cur_min gt =period_end_min || cur_min lt =box_end_mn)))         {          begin_bar=FindBar(InpHourBegin,InpMinBegin,time[i]);          end_bar=FindBar(InpHourEnd,InpMinEnd,time[i]);          if(begin_bar==WRONG_VALUE || end_bar==WRONG_VALUE) continue;          int hb=Highest(begin_bar-end_bar+1,end_bar);          int lb=Lowest(begin_bar-end_bar+1,end_bar);          if(hb==WRONG_VALUE || lb==WRONG_VALUE) continue;          max_price=high[hb];          min_price=low[lb];          for(int j=end_bar; j gt =i; j--)            {             BufferUpperArea[j]=max_price;             BufferLowerArea[j]=min_price;            }         }       else         {          BufferUpperArea[i]=EMPTY_VALUE;          BufferLowerArea[i]=EMPTY_VALUE;         }      }  //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call    return(rates_total);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|  gt 72@0I05B G0A C:070== gt 3 gt  2@5 lt 5=8                                | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int TimeHour(const datetime time)   {    MqlDateTime tm;    TimeToStruct(time,tm);    return tm.hour;   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|  gt 72@0I05B  lt 8=CBC C:070== gt 3 gt  2@5 lt 5=8                             | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int TimeMinute(const datetime time)   {    MqlDateTime tm;    TimeToStruct(time,tm);    return tm.min;   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|                                                                  | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int FindBar(int hour,int minutes,datetime time)   {    MqlDateTime tm;    TimeToStruct(time,tm);    tm.hour=hour;    tm.min=minutes;    datetime t=StructToTime(tm);    if(t gt time)       t-=86400;    return BarShift(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,t);   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|  gt 72@0I05B A lt 5I5=85 10@0 ? gt  2@5 lt 5=8                              | //|                                | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int BarShift(const string symbol_name,const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe,const datetime time,bool exact=false)   {    datetime last_bar;    if(!SeriesInfoInteger(symbol_name,timeframe,SERIES_LASTBAR_DATE,last_bar))      {       datetime array[1];       if(CopyTime(symbol_name,timeframe,0,1,array)==1)          last_bar=array[0];       else          return WRONG_VALUE;      }    if(time gt last_bar)       return(0);    int shift=Bars(symbol_name,timeframe,time,last_bar);    datetime array[1];    if(CopyTime(symbol_name,timeframe,time,1,array)==1)       return(array[0]==time ? shift-1 : exact && time gt array[0]+PeriodSeconds(timeframe) ? WRONG_VALUE : shift);    return WRONG_VALUE;   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|  gt 72@0I05B 8=45:A  lt 0:A8 lt 0;L= gt 3 gt  7=0G5=8O B09 lt A5@88 High          | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Highest(const int count,const int start)   {    double array[];    ArraySetAsSeries(array,true);    if(CopyHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,start,count,array)==count)       return ArrayMaximum(array)+start;    return WRONG_VALUE;   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|  gt 72@0I05B 8=45:A  lt 8=8 lt 0;L= gt 3 gt  7=0G5=8O B09 lt A5@88 Low            | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int Lowest(const int count,const int start)   {    double array[];    ArraySetAsSeries(array,true);    if(CopyLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,start,count,array)==count)       return ArrayMinimum(array)+start;    return WRONG_VALUE;   } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 


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